Out for my morning walk, I pondered the sources trying to categorize and divide us; and I then noted the variety all around me — different colors, shapes, sizes, perspectives, lifestyles, experiences... More importantly, I saw the similarities, the shared traits, wants, needs and goals. We are far more alike than different. We have so much common ground. So I came home and wrote a poem.
When uncertain I ask myself Who Are you trying to help? Are your actions Today Carrying away The burden Of Somebody else? Are your words Just said Moving ahead Kindness, opportunity Health? Every day In so many ways I can connect Respect Effect This great big Beautiful Diverse and Wonderful World For the better
As so many voices seek to divide, it’s essential to unite. We are all connected. We are all effected by one another. And each one of us has the power to support, encourage, uplift, elevate and accentuate the things we have in common. If we focus on this at a personal level, then grow it into our neighborhoods, communities, municipalities and so on, we can regain the ground lost in recent tumultuous times.
Yes. Seek to unite in our difference. Great thought, very well worded.
Happy to see you here, Arjan. Thank you.